Metropolis Rugby Club

USARugby, Midwest Division 1 & Division 2

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Metropolis Rugby National Playoff Run(s)

Unless you've been living under a rock the past few days, you're most likely aware of the great successes Metropolis had on the field a few days ago as both the D3 and D1 sides earned spots in their respective National Championship Sweet 16's. Both sides, and hopefully many Metropolis faithful, are traveling to Manassas Park, VA, on May 21-22 to continue their Championship pursuits.

Earlier today the Metropolis Team Manager, Chris Reed, shared the following write-up with the Metropolis email lists. I figured there may be others out there interested in hearing more about the D1's incredible victory. (I'm happy to post something about the D3 weekend should someone care to write it up). So, without further adieu, here is Chris' report, unedited...but spell-checked a tad:

"Everyone got into Atlanta no problems minus a strange hotel experience, and all were pretty focused and maybe a little giddy. Field conditions were 85, dry, not a cloud in the sky and a moderate breeze across the pitch. This was to be the Atlanta Renegade's first time on their new pitch and they had a pretty respectable turnout. We were playing on turf and that seemed to make those things even warmer for us Union folk as the rubber pellets held about 10 extra degrees. Atlanta kicked off to us to start and for about the next 15 minutes or so both teams were feeling each other out. We held the majority of possession and finally gained a territorial advantage putting on some pressure inside their 22m. A number of phases after a lineout got us with in five meters and the forwards trying to push over. Atlanta was defending well, but like a salmon out of water, Elliot Fisher picked and was up and over and then down with a twist there try line, 5 points. Atlanta answered back rather quickly exposing our short side after a botched lineout phase by us. They sent their winger down the line and around a couple of Metropolis defenders to score under the posts, 7 points Atl. This guy was seriously fast, maybe 4.2/3 speed, about a buck thirty and was like chasing a stray cat in a corn field. The restart had us pinned inside our 22m, we kicked out to their 10m to relieve pressure and were rather lazy to cover as they threw a quick lineout and out flanked our coverage. The ball ended up in their winger’s hands and he chipped over a couple of our backs and out ran the last defender to dot down just inside the end line on a rather fortunate bounce, 5 points. The rest of the half had Metropolis owning a territorial advantage and trying to expose gaps in their defense. Our forwards were getting around the field, but not asserting themselves like they know, Atlanta was defending pretty well around the breakdown. We would make breaks or half breaks, get close and then fowl something up. Never heard that story before right? Our centers, Donnie and Finau were running hard and making life difficult for the Atlanta backline, they chose to kick several times to try and get the pressure off. We kept it on getting so close so many times, including one dropped pass from a walk in try. Well, eventually they broke. We ran several phases down the left side Atlanta had no choice but to commit so many guys to the breakdown the rest of the field opened up. Hands out led to a try on the far side by Lattu, conversion Lattu. Half was called, 12 all.

At the break everyone was very positive knowing we had dominated possession and territory. We had seen what they had to offer and only needed to make a few minor adjustments. We came out and began taking the paly to them, eventually leading to a number of repeated phases going down the short side and opening up the midfield. Forwards doing a lot of work here and punishing would be tacklers and any of those who wanted to enter the rucks. Nick Johnson got a ball of the ruck, stepped a guy pretty badly and went over. 5 points good guys. I don't really remember what happened, but they scored pretty quick and missed the conversion, 17 all about 10 minutes in. Atlanta turned play in our half for a while, but we had possession for most of it. I broke free off a ruck on a dummy pass and chipped over the fullback only to have him trip me on the way by. A penalty was given, should have been a card, and post was taken. Things got a little interesting for a while, both teams trying to measure their manhood, again, several skirmishes broke out and attitudes running high. Some bit hits were thrown (mostly by us), others not so big but ended up making quite the noise. No team had a clear advantage for the next 20 minutes or so, as i think the heat and the pace were getting to people. There was about 16 minutes to go and we’re attacking their 22m when the whistle turned. A couple of tough calls and a few lineouts later Atlanta had possession inside our 22m. We were defending well and had turnover ball, but managed to knock it on 10m from our line. We pushed their scrum back, but they got the ball under considerable pressure. They forced a pass, I'm pretty sure it hit the ground, bounced up into one of their players hands, not the intended's hands and a missed tackle later they were over, conversion good. Alright, no big deal, let's get this back right? So we kick off deep they have time to spin it wide and break their winger free again. We do a pretty good job of covering and kind of corner him down to off load. They ran a couple more phases down the same side eventually exposing a missed coverage off the ruck and another missed tackle they score under the posts. 31-20 Renagades. So everyone mentally had to have been in oh shit mode, wtf just happened. 14 points in about 5 minutes. Well, we'll see you five and lower it by two. The bench was rolled by both teams and we were to kick off to them. Good high kick, we got a hand up to bat it back straight to our guys, and we knock it on. Yet another bounce not our way. It was their scrum, we were unable to steal one or get one called turned all day. They won the hook, but some poor fellow forgot he was playing rugby and kicked it over to our side. Wade picked up going weak, trounced their winger and was getting driven out of bounce by their 8 man. A little behind the back flick pass and the ball is in my hands, I'm honestly thinking I'm in a really shitty position right now and should be getting smoked by their #6 any moment. I don't know what happened but I was gone, no one there and smooth sailing to the try line. We're definitely in hurry mode and no one runs Lattu the tee, com' on man. Drop goal no good, still down by 6. They kick to us, only in slight panic mode. We try and move the ball wide around our 22m. Nick gets picked up and slammed pretty hard, illegal hit, spear tackle. Unfortunately both players had to go off, hope he gets better! Penalty to us, and we have time for a lineout. Casey Cronk has his best kick of the game putting us just inside their 40m. Lineout won, we run a couple phases and are making a little head way. The sir has given us advantage a couple of times and eventually marks a spot. No time left we have to quick tap and go. Draw and pass was the name of the game, done twice and Cronk was through! How this happens I don't know but a little side step and a maybe unnecessary pass later and Pretty Boy is over for the score! Well the chants were, "Finke, Anderson, dirty birds '99," as Lattu was 15m off their sideline and their fans couldn't resist. We just said have at it and knock it through, no pressure here. He might as well have been in Foreigner, cause he was cold as ice! The minute it left his foot he knew it was good, we went a little nuts and we'll see you in Virginia! 32-31Metropolis

A little something for Lattu:

Christopher J. Reed


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